About me


I’m a thirty-something mediaphile originally from Melbourne, and I lived in London for 13 years. My husband, PD and I made the decision to completely change our lives and move to Dubai in August 2008.

This blog is about the ups and downs of our life here in the UAE – I try to be as honest as I can without giving too much away!

 Flickster. x

4 Responses

  1. Hi Flick

    Seems all is going well for you in the UAE, at least from the waist up – I’m not sure I need to know too much more about your bikini line just now, but I do hope its unruly behaviour is curtailed (by whatever means) in the very near future.

    Life sounds very different indeed from sunny (today) London town. Use of a car sounds ESSENTIAL (try that in the capital!) and such restricted access to alcohol would soon drive me to distraction, if not that booze warehouse up the highway. Additionally, of course, the threat of jail for frolicking with a game young lady on the beach would severely hamper my extra-curricular behaviour (chance would be a fine thing!)

    You have inspired me to give this blogging lark a go myself (I’ll see what I can cook up over the weekend – though whether I publicise it is another matter!). I look forward to your regular posts and hope to see “white wine” increase in size on your tag cloud over the coming months – it should be bigger than “work”, for goodness sake, do something about it!

    Keep it up (and the aplaceinthesun column – must give it a look)! My regards to Paul.

    K xx

  2. Hey Flickster – what’s up. Now you’re a Jumeirah Jane, or Burj Betty where you live, you should have loads of time to blog.

    So what you been filling the time with?

  3. Hi Flickster,

    Just wanted to reach out and say good job on your blog.

    We operate a highly successful website on Dubai, and always looking for individuals like yourself to work with to meet common goals and objectives.

    Are you open to starting a dialogue on how we can pursue common interests further?

    Hope all is well in Dubai – Thank you

  4. Life sounds very different indeed from sunny (today) London town. Use of a car sounds ESSENTIAL (try that in the capital!) and such restricted access to alcohol would soon drive me to distraction, if not that booze warehouse up the highway. Additionally, of course, the threat of jail for frolicking with a game young lady on the beach would severely hamper my extra-curricular behaviour (chance would be a fine thing!)

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